Download one of my free guides to start your journey to living a thriving, fulfilled life.

7 Step Guide to Achieving your Goals

Your 7 Step Guide to Achieving Your Goals

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5 Ways To Reduce Overwhelm Guide

5 Ways to Reduce Overwhelm & Achieve the Next Level of Success

YES, I so need that!

Welcome to my online home

Through The Life & Soul Alignment Academy, 1:1 Coaching Programmes, In-Person Classes, The Strong, Smart, Passionate Women's Group on Facebook, and the soon to be launched membership site, The Fulfilled Woman's Sanctuary, (which takes women through The 5 Steps to Fulfiment & Actualising Your Dreams), I provide the opportunity for strong, smart, passionate women who've experienced, or are experiencing, change to navigate through it, to embrace it, to come out the other side to live a fulfilled life. To learn to rediscover, and love, themselves again.

To help them to get out of their own way, fulful their potential and live their best life.

I show you how by cutting through the clutter, aligning your goals with your passion and purpose that you’ll be able to navigate the feelings of overwhelm and self-doubt, that accompany change, to create a new life you love, even if you currently think it is out of your reach.

I believe that the diversity of my background is what sets me apart, keeps me grounded and enables me to provide you with the tools and strategies to help you through the change you've experienced so that it doesn't define you, so that you can start again and learn to live a rich, fulfilled life. 

With over 30-years’ experience of educating, teaching, coaching, managing and speaking, including 17 years of running my own business, I have served thousands of people through my work.

Read Louise's Story

Strong, Smart, Passionate Women's Facebook Group

The Strong, Smart, Passionate Women's Private Facebook Group is exclusively for you if you are, as the name suggests, a strong, smart, passionate women!

Having previously been the Amazing Midlife Women's group it has evolved to truly represent the women within the group and the lives that they already, or wish to, lead.

This amazing group has been created just for you so you can enjoy, embrace & fully engage in all areas of your life whilst living thriving and fulfilled! Especially if you're looking to get out of your own way, fulfil your potential and live your best life.

Created to feel like a PAID group, but FREE The Strong, Smart, Passionate Women's Group is filled with education, inspiration, appreciation and motivation to help you to build and live an amazingly vibrant life that brings you fulfillment, joy, passion & purpose.


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What people are saying

Victoria Dosen

Victoria Dosen

I met Louise over two years ago when we were going through a business coaching program for fitness professionals.  Fast forward to today and we are now Mastermind Partners working alongside each other as we grow our respective businesses. 

I can say without a doubt that Louise has been such an incredible force in my life and the voice of reason, gentle...but tough love, and clarity that I need when I'm getting in analysis overload and getting in my own way too much.

Louise has an amazing gift of intuitively knowing how to bring you back to center, help you work through the messy middle, and help you to recognize that your life is meant to be fulfilling, happy, and aligned with your soul's purpose!  She will make you see that your goals are absolutely achievable and she provides you with the tools and support necessary to make those dreams a reality!

I am blessed to have Louise in my life, not just as my partner in all things entrepreneurship, but also as a dear friend! 

Lauren Bradley, Owner and Founder of Fueled Physique

Lauren Bradley, Owner and Founder of Fueled Physique

"A few months ago I was struggling with my business and not knowing where I was going, why I was doing what I was doing, and feeling unsure of what to do next. Louise saw my post in our coaching group and instantly reached out to me to get more info about what I was going through.

After I spilled my guts, she shared her strategy for overcoming overwhelm, how to figure out my next best steps and she continued to follow up with me until I felt like I had my head back on straight.  And ladies- this is WITHOUT paying her.

I can't even imagine the level of customer service, strategies and knowledge she'll pass on to her paying clients. Book a call with Louise and get aligned. She's amazing, so supportive, so smart and can really help pull you out of a funk, or, simply level up your life!"

Mairi Taylor FABfitness

Mairi Taylor FABfitness

In the 7 plus years I have known Louise both professionally and personally it's been a privilege and a pleasure to walk beside her on her personal journey. Louise has shown tremendous dedication and passion to her personal growth and commitment to her education which she is now sharing so openly with her clients as she established her niche market and stands in her own power. There is no better coach and leader to have than one who has walked not only beside you but in your shoes too.

Mairi Taylor founder FABfitness

Kim Liddle

Louise is a very likeable, knowledgeable and friendly person and a very good and patient coach/instructor.

I have been attending Louise's classes for a few years now, from Pilates to now Yoga, she manages to encompass all ages, and I think we have all got on very well.

My weekly Yoga class is a must, not only for the physical exercises, but the relaxing atmosphere and friendly people and that is mostly due to Louise.

Loreto Espinosa

Loreto Espinosa

I met Louise in 2008 when I took my Exercise to Music Course,with Drummond Education, Louise was the Course Director. She is a very warm, friendly person who is very approachable and was  very understanding of my lack of English and she was very patient with me.

I was honoured when she asked me to manage her classes in her absence, knowing she is the best instructor I've ever met. It is a testament  to her ability as an instructor, and coach,  that I was able to get to such a level so quickly. Louise was and, still is, my example to follow as an instructor and I hope one day I can reach her level.

Debbie Bowyer

Debbie Bowyer

"Louise is a superbly knowledgeable, friendly and approachable coach.  Her classes are fun but challenging with a focus on teaching the correct technique.

She continually raises the bar and encourages her clients to improve whilst offering alternatives and adaptations to suit individual needs. 

Louise's nutritional advice, exercise plans, encouragement and support have been instrumental in helping me to achieve my goals.  With her coaching and guidance I have improved my fitness, reduced my weight by 3 stone and most importantly maintained  this weight loss for over 3 years.  She has been a true inspiration and helped me to change my life.  "

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