Do you..
Struggle with a lack of time?
Feel that you’re always busy?
Keep saying, ‘One day I will... when I have the time?
Believe that you have little, or no time, to do the things you’d really like to be doing?
I hear you!
When we’re rushing around trying to do all the things it seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day.
We become overwhelmed.
We become stressed.
We become frustrated.
We feel like we’re on a never-ending cycle of too much to do with little time in which to do it!
We crave more time.
We crave the time to spend with our family, our loved ones.
We crave the time to do more of the things we want to be doing.
But we often don’t believe it’s possible to get this time.
We think that it will have to wait until later.
It will have to wait until a time when we’re less busy, less rushed, less consumed with our to-do lists!
But sometimes that later doesn’t happen.
Because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
We regret the time we’ve wasted in not fulfilling the dreams we had.
We regret the time not spent with those closest to us.
We regret the time not spent living a joyful, happy life.
BUT... it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can have more time in your day, your week, your month, your life!
You can get more time with your nearest and dearest.
You can live a thriving, fulfilled life.
You can pursue and achieve your dreams.
You can stop putting off until another day what you’d rather be doing now.
You just need to know how and to put in the effort, take the action and make it happen.
Let me tell you all about The Create More Time Challenge.
You see, I’ve also been time strapped, busy, stressed, overwhelmed, struggling to do all the things I perceived that I needed to be doing.
As a mum, as an entrepreneur running my own business, as a wife, as a grandmother too, I was constantly writing to-do-lists and then even more lists of those lists! Not really getting anything done and feeling that I was not only letting myself down but others too.
Something had to change, and as I worked through the changes, I found that the unexpected side effect was the actual creation of more time in my life.
Yes, you heard that right!
More time in which I could spend with my family and loved ones.
More time in which I could live my best life.
More time which I could spend doing the things I wanted to do.

I knew I had to share what I did.
HOW I created MORE TIME.
Because having also spoken, and listened to, so many other women guess what came up as being some of the most frustrating things that they were struggling with?
Yep, you’ve guessed it!
Lack of time, not enough time, time going too fast and on and on and on!
So, The Create More Time Challenge was born!

A Challenge that teaches you how you can create more time in your day, your week, your life!
Through 5 days I will teach you 5 of the ways in which I managed to create more time in my life.
You will receive a video lesson each day.
This will be accompanied by a daily task, yep you’ll have homework.
We must implement what we learn right?!
Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to join other women also looking to create more time in their life, in my Thriving Achievers Community Group, where I will be live each day discussing that day’s lesson and task!
There will also be a chance to join the catch-up session once the Challenge finishes!
So ... if you want to ...
• create more time in your life
• stop wasting time
• spend more time with loved ones
• live a thriving, fulfilled life
• achieve your dreams
• not keep saying ‘one day I will ...’
Then make sure you purchase the ‘Create More Time’ Challenge!
BUT … you will need to use some of your time in order to create time!
Next Steps:
1: Join the Create More Time Challenge!