Life in Alignment Series Part 2 - The Blissfully You Project ™

Become a more confident, healthier & happier you!




What's inside?

There are Five Parts to the Blissfully You Project and each part focuses on a different element of one of the 5 Pillars that are the very foundation of our lives, the Pillar of Well-Being.

This training enables you to access 5 videos and 6 downloadable workbooks to help you to learn  ways in which you can improve and optimise your health & well-being!

What's included in this course?

A Pre-Project Workbook incorporating a Wheel of Life tool focused on your health & wellness, and touching upon personal growth and self-development too!

5 more workbooks with accompanying training videos through which you will be ...

  • Delving deeper into how you can start to say yes to the things that you need to say yes to more often, and no to those that need a firmer no!
  • Identifying what those pesky nutritional triggers are for you, you know the ones that when you start to eat them you just can't stop, and what you can do to kick them into touch!
  • Creating a plan for when and how you can fit in movement (in whatever form that may be for you!), and some suggestions for what might work well for you.
  • Being intentional about sleep and stress which can both play havoc on our happiness and enjoyment.
  • Implementing tools and strategies to include self-care for you.



Only $97.00